Thursday, November 15, 2018

Qualities of Effective Telecommunications Sales Providers

An accomplished sales associate with more than 20 years of experience, Sanjay Paharia works for Florida Gold Dist. In that role, Sanjay Paharia oversees sales and operations at multiple telecommunications retail locations and works to expand distribution channels.

Businesses seeking to contract with telecom sales providers should look for certain qualities. Crucially, the provider should take a high-intensity approach to boosting sales. The more time and effort associates spend making calls, giving quotes, and otherwise making customer contact, the more likely they are to achieve sales. Relatedly, sales associates are most effective when they are approachable and can easily build rapport with clients and other contacts. 

In addition to tenacity and approachability, sales associates must display in-depth knowledge of the products they are selling and the market as a whole. Lastly, look for sales providers who are equipped to analyze sales and performance data and who use those results to inform decision making.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Patent Acquisition within a Strategic Plan

Sanjay Paharia, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, serves as an associate with telecom firm Florida Gold Dist. An award-winning salesperson in his company, Sanjay Paharia has participated in patent acquisition processes involving innovative telecom equipment.

Patent acquisition is a core component of any company’s strategic plan to strengthen its position in its sector. A company’s decision to acquire a patent involves multiple considerations. The initial piece of due diligence involves articulating the goal behind the purchase. Next, companies typically evaluate the technology sectors in which they hope to excel. Once they have sufficient background information, they can more usefully go over the specific properties of any potential patent acquisitions. 

Additionally, the company will want to examine specific aspects, such as priority dates and claims, of any patents under review. This will help to ensure that these match overall goals. And of course, the company will need to verify that the patents in which it is interested are available on the market. Executives experienced in patent acquisition point out that universities are a rich source of potential patent acquisitions, as are smaller or emerging companies working in the same field.